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DentCare1 Smile
believes in creating The Natural Smile..
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Covid 19 Patient safety instruction

Patient  instruction leaflet  sent by email  before attending appointment

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Covid 19 Symptoms
Have You been in contact with anyone with covid symptoms?
Are they living with anyone with covid symptoms?
Do they have a new, persistent cough or any loss of taste and smell?
What is your  temperature s – it should be below 37.8 degrees.
If it is 37.8 or higher  you  need to  call 111 and consider self isolation as per the government guidance.

Coming to the Surgery
Things will look a bit different than before shut down.
Bring a face covering with you.
We will ask for a prepayment  over the phone by card .
Leave all  unnecessary clothing and bags in your car when attending .
Please could you use the lavatory and brush your teeth before visiting us and we are trying to reduce the footfall to extended places around the practice.
Please only attend at your appointment time and do not come early so we don’t have more people in the practice than is safe.
Where possible please come alone to your appointment, this is to avoid any unnecessary people in the practice.

Entering the Practice
The front door will be locked when you arrive, we ask that you call the phone number on the notice on the door, so please ensure you have your mobile with you.
We will meet you at the door and retake your temperature and record it.
If this is normal, we will ask  you to enter the practice  and place any coats bags purses in the bag provided which will be kept at reception for safe keeping.
We will  ask you to sanitise your hands with alcohol gel and provide you with a pair of gloves. 
If it is 37.8 or higher you will be asked to return home and call 111 and consider self isolation as per the government guidance.
You will be given a medical history to fill out and hand back to the receptionist.
Please take a seat in the designated seat in  the waiting room until you are called into the surgery.

In the Clinic Room
A nurse will call you and take you through to the surgery.
Please do forgive us for not engaging in too much small talk.
Also we may be wearing more personal protective equipment than you are used to seeing us wearing, I promise we are all still the same underneath!
When you are in the surgery, we will ask you to remove your face covering  when we are carrying out the clinical examination.
During your appointment we would ask to use a tissue if you need to cough or sneezed and we will dispose of it straight away.
You may see us cleaning down the practice while you are here, we do this routinely throughout the day to keep our patients and our staff safe.

Leaving the Practice
Check with the reception before you leave  for any payments,  further appointments .
We are accepting credit and debit cards only to decrease the amount of contact we have with our patients and that you have with the team, this terminal is wiped down after each use.
Dispose of the gloves we have given before you leave  in the bin  provided , sanitise your hands again and would suggest you wash with soap and water when you get home as usual.

Covid19 Safe
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